Important things to learn in javascript

Javascript is a event based Programming Language

Javascript Events:

Double Click
Right Click
Mouse Hover
Mouse Out
Drag Drop
Key Press
Key Up


Q.: How may kinds of comment in Javascript

Ans: There are two comments in javascript

  1. Single line Comments //
  2. Multiple line comments */  /*


Q: How May types of Variable in Java Script

Ans: There are Tree types of variable in Javascript

  1. Var     (With variable we can declare and assign or override the value multiple times.)
  2. Let      (With let variable we can override the value but we can’t declare the the value again)
  3. Const  (Once we declare the value we can’t declare again and can’t override)

Q: How Many types of Data Types in Javascript

Var x = “hello world”; —————————string
var x = 25; ——————————————-Number
var x = true/false; ——————————–Boolean
Var x = [“HTML”, “CSS”, “JS”];______Array
var x = {first:”jan”, last:”Feb”}; ————Object
var x = null; —————————————–null
var x: ———————————————–—undefined


Q: What is Arithmetic operators

+ Addition
* Multiplication
** Exponentiation
/ Division
% Modulus (Remainder)
++ Increment

This Arithmetic operators work on numbers.


Q: Assignment Operators

Ans: Below are Assignment Operators

  1. -=
  2. +=
  3. *=
  4. /=
  5. %=
  6. **=

Q: Comparison Operators

== Equal to a==b
=== Equal value and equal type Data type must be equal
!= Not Equal
!== Not equal value or not equal type
> greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to


Q: What is ternary Operator


Q: what is Switch Statement?


Q: how many popup boxes in javascript

Ans: 1 alert 2. confirm 3. Prompt

Q What is javascript function and function with parameters write code?

Q: Local and Global Variable ?

Q: Javascript Events?

  1. click (onlick)
  2. double

Q: how may types of  Loop in Javascript 


  1. while loop
  2. do/while loop
  3. for loop
  4. for/in loop (Objects)
  5. for Each (array)

Q: Learn Nested Loop ergent


Q: Array Methods


  1. sort()
  2. reverse()
  3. pop()
  4. push()
  5. shift()
  6. unshift()
  7. concat()
  8. join()
  9. slice()
  10. splice()
  11. isArray()
  12. indexOf()
  13. lastIndexOf()
  14. entries()
  15. every()
  16. filter()
  17. find()
  18. findIndex()
  19. includes()
  20. some()
  21. forEach()
  22. toString()
  23. valueOf()
  24. fill()


Q What is Objects


Q String Methods:

22 Methods


Q. Javascript Math Methods:

  1. ceil(x)
  2. floor(x)
  3. found(x)
  4. trunc(x)
  5. max(x,y,z…n)
  6. min(x, y, ….n)
  7. sqrt(x)
  8. cbrt(x)
  9. pow(x,y)
  10. random(x)
  11. abs(x)
  12. PI


Q: Date Methods

  1. toDateString()
  2. getDate()
  3. getFullYear()
  4. getMonth()
  5. getDay()
  6. getHour()
  7. getminuts()
  8. getSeconds()
  9. getMilliseconds()
  10. setDate()
  11. setFullYear()
  12. setHours()
  13. setMilliseconds()
  14. setMinutes
  15. setMonth()
  16. setSeconds()



Q: DOM (Document Object Module)

DOM Targeting Methods

  1. document
  2. document.all
  3. document.documentElement
  4. document.head
  5. document.title
  6. document.body
  7. document.images
  8. document.anchors
  9. document.links
  10. document.forms
  11. document.doctype
  12. document.URL
  13. document.baseURI
  14. document.domain




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